Things tagged 'greenring'

limited to the area of St Albans Cycle Campaign:

5 issues found for 'greenring':

  • Lemsford Road Avenue Road junction

    Created by Rona471 // 1 thread

    HertsCC proposal to create a junction speed table and zebra crossing at the junction of Avenue Road and Lemsford Road. The proposed zebra crossing will be north of the junction. The proposal is part of the Maple School Safer Routes to School project.

    This junction is on the route of the Green Ring, where it crosses the railway using the bridge from Jennings Road.

    The Avenue Road - Jennings Road link is used by many pedestrians and cyclists going to and from: St Peters Street / Carlisle Avenue (ie NCN6); Morrisons & the Alban Way (ie Green Ring); Verulam School (secondary); High School for Girls (secondary) and Maple School (primary). For cycling the route is great for avoiding Sandpit Lane.

    The desire for cycling is that the raised table will provide easier access to the link and make the junction safer for cycling.

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  • Green Ring : Griffiths Way, Holywell Hill

    Created by mike1727 // 1 thread

    Route proposal for the link from Prospect Road/Verulamium Park to the start of the Alban Way.

    The route is a shared, wide, pavement with a width around 3 metres- in line with minimum width for a shared route.

    Documents are available at

    Please have a look at the thread on this as there are a few point which STACC will bring out, you may want to consider these in your response.

    Please return any comments to Clare Martin via phone, email or post.
    Please also contact Clare if you have any further queries about the proposed works.

    Clare Martin
    Project Engineer, Integrated Transport Planning
    Postal Point CHO317
    Hertfordshire County Council, Leahoe Annexe, Pegs Lane, Hertford, SG13 8DN
    t: 01992 658478 Comnet / Internal: 58478

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  • Green Ring Everlasting Lane section

    Created by mike1727 // 1 thread

    "The St. Albans Green Ring route will run approximately parallel to Everlasting Lane in Batchwood Everlasting Lane is an un-surfaced green lane that can be used as an alternative route to avoid traffic. "

    It is proposed to construct a new tarmac path across the recreation ground in Temple View from access on Temple View going North West to an entrance onto Everlasting Lane"

    Feasibility study pages 15-17
    Googlemap ref

    2.5m wide tarmac cyclepath sloping down from playing fields to Everlasting Lane max gradient 1:12 sides 1:2.5

    this appears to be option 3 from the feasibility study

    Why was Sutrans' reccomended route not taken up?

    Will there be a cycling right of way accross the Recreation ground to provide a legal link to City Hospital?

    Will cycle parking be installed in the Recreation Ground?

    What work is being planned on the Everlasting lane section of this route? (In particular surfacing and width)

    Will lighting be installed?

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  • Green Ring Bernards heath section 2

    Created by mike1727 // 0 threads

    2.5m bound gravel cycle path following existing informal route "proposed to widen and reconstruct the existing path through the Recreational Ground to Sandridge Road. "

    Feasibilty study page 24
    Googlemaps ref

    What is being planned for the crossing of Sandridge road and when will it be delivered?

    Sustrans reccomendation:
    Cross Sandridge Road via a central refuge – consider creating another central refuge
    on Sandridge Road to the north east of Boundary Lane for cyclists wishing to travel in
    that direction. An alternative would be to create a Zebra crossing at this location
    without a central refuge. This would avoid the pinch point created by a refuge for
    those cycling along Sandridge Road.

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  • Green Ring Bernards Heath section 1

    Created by mike1727 // 1 thread

    Link between NCN 6 near Townsend Drive to Edward Beaufort Drive

    "It is proposed to cross Bernard’s Heath on a 2.5 metre width hard-surfaced gravel pathway running approximately parallel to Heath Farm Lane. It will follow the existing informal route through the Heath. "

    Feasibilty study page 23
    google map reference

    Please ensure any bollards/posts at each end of the section allow sufficent width for tandems and bike trailers.

    When is additional work on this link due?

    Feasibility study reccomended :

    •Widen roadside footway to maximum available using Highways land to rear of footway between Edmund Beaufort Drive and new crossing of Harpenden Road

    • Cross Harpenden Road using Toucan on crest of hill

    We could do with some photos of this please.

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5 threads found for 'greenring':

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