Things tagged 'obstruction'

limited to the area of St Albans Cycle Campaign:

4 issues found for 'obstruction':

  • Sandridgebury Lane railway bridge

    Created by Rona471 // 2 threads

    Flooded again! Has been for weeks, although it has been a bad winter for floods throughout the UK.
    Was badly flooded before to depth of three feet and a lot of mud was removed, but clearly more work is needed as this is a recurring problem.
    Today was passable, almost up to bottom bracket though.
    Not readily passable for pedestrians - on 30 December saw a runner actually go up the bank and across the railway line, very dangerous.
    Benefit for bold cyclists - some drivers won't go through, so lane is quieter for us!
    Possible solution - fix the drains. Alternative - provide a boardwalk for pedestrians, cyclists could also use it too.

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63 threads found for 'obstruction':

One library item found for 'obstruction':

No planning applications found for 'obstruction'.

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